Centro de Ayuda Legal Para Inmigrantes (CALI)
Provides quality legal representation in immigration matters for the low-income immigrant community.
Centro Legal de la Raza
Legal aid organization focused on low-income Alameda residents providing assistance on immigration, tenants rights, and worker’s rights.
Childcare Law Center
The Childcare Law Center provides support to families with low-incomes who are seeking more information about: rights to run a child care from a home, rights of children with disabilities in child care, and rights to affordable child care. They also provide support to policymakers, legal aid programs, and organizations who serve families with low-incomes. You can also access “Know the Law” materials for child care providers and families at childcarelaw.org.
Chinatown CDC
The Chinatown CDC is a place-based community development organization serving primarily the Chinatown neighborhood, and also other areas including North Beach and the Tenderloin.
City of San Jose
Clermont County Ohio Lawyer Referral Service
Clermont County Ohio lawyer referral services (Ohio State Bar)
Code for America
Public-foucused technology organization.
Community Alliance for Special Education
Organization that works with families and school districts to design fair special education programs and provide support to children and their families.
Community Boards
Community-based mediation program.
Community Legal Aid SoCal
Community Legal Aid SoCal fights injustice and advocates for social, economic, and racial equity by providing compassionate, holistic, and impactful legal services for family law + domestic violence, housing/eviction, consumer defense, public benefits, health, immigration, seniors, and systemic impact.
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto (CLESPA)
Community-based legal provider focused on East Palo Alto.
Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse
Organization dedicated to supporting those affected by intimate partner violence.