Search by county and issue area to find legal help
Use the drop-down to select the county for your legal issue. If you're unsure, select the county where the court case is pending or, if no case, select the county where the person lives.
Narrow your search by selecting a legal area below. Read the descriptive text within each box if you're uncertain which to select.
CAAP, CalWORKS, CalFresh, Foster, Health, MediCal, SSI, Veterans
Debt, Credit, Consumer issues
Criminal cases, Investigations, Warrants, Tickets
Divorce, Custody, Restraining Order, T-Visas, U-Visas, VAWA, Guardianship
Eviction Defense, Other Housing Help
Asylum, SIJS, DACA, T-Visas, U-Visa, VAWA
Worker's Rights, Work & Family
Hate Crimes, Personal Injury, Police Misconduct, Taxes, Small Claims, etc.
Refine your search by selecting a service provided below. Read the descriptive text within each box if you're uncertain which to select.
Applications for government benefits and understanding eligibility.
Problems such as overpayments, appeals, and terminations
Includes things like info gathering, correcting credit report errors, and counseling.
Issues requiring a lawyer such as complicated credit report corrections and court cases.
Incident until arraignment, plus any pre-case warrants or investigations. The actual criminal case starts at arraignment and goes through trial/plea and sentencing.
Problems or questions that arise when service a sentence or under supervision.
Criminal record cleaning + other re-entry issues.
Resolving and clearing holds and debts.
Divorce, custody, child support and related issues without domestic violence
Restraining orders, divorce, custody, and related issues with domestic violence (DV is defined as safety concerns between close family or partners)
When CPS opens a case, a "dependency" case is started and the family must proceed in "dependency" court.
This includes assistance for housing conditions, notices, discrimination etc.
An actual eviction process begins when an unlawful detainer action is filed in court. In that process there may be: initial documents filed, mediation, a court judgment, sheriff's notice, and a move out date.
After an eviction is on your consumer record, there are sometimes legal ways to reduce its impact.
Removal proceedings are started by the government. Many clients won't know they are in removal, but if they crossed the border, were stopped, and have a court date, they are likely in removal.
Assessing and applying for potential paths to status (ex: asylum, U-Visa, VAWA, DACA, SIJS, etc.) when you are undocumented / undetected.
Once you have some form of status, and you may be moving toward, or are at, the citizenship application stage.
Issues with wage theft, discrimination, meal breaks, vacation pay, and leaves.
Asking a court to recognize a name or gender change.
Seeking funds for damage to people or property.
Recourse for police misconduct.
Court process without attorneys to recover funds.
Assistance for controversies with the IRS.
Creation of end-of-life planning documents.
School advocacy, discipline, special education, childcare issues
Guardianship of people - usually young, old, or unable to care for themselves
Physical or financial abuse of elders
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