Legal Assistance to the Elderly

Organization focused on seniors.

Legal Match California

Legal Services for Children

Organization focused on youth and offering support in discrete areas.

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (+ East Bay Family Defenders)

LSPC organizes communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocates to release incarcerated people, to restore human and civil rights and to reunify families and communities.

Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC)

Provides free civil representation to low-income clients in 23 counties in Northern California.

Marin County Bar Association

Bar Association with some public-serving programs.

McGeorge School of Law

My Sister's House

National Center for Lesbian Rights

National leader on LGBTQ civil rights.

Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County

Through a combination of individual representation, high impact litigation and public policy advocacy, NLSLA combats the immediate and long-lasting effects of poverty and expands access to health, opportunity, and justice in Los Angeles’ diverse neighborhoods.

Provides free legal services in the areas of housing/eviction, family law (domestic violece), public benefits, immigration, clean slate, unemployment, disaster assistance, and education rights.

Oasis Legal Services

Oasis is a nonprofit that provides immigration services specifically for the LGBTQ+ community. They provide representation to clients in Asylum (both affirmative and defensive), Residency (green card), Citizenship, VAWA, and Family Petition cases.

Open Door Legal

Legal non-profit serving the Bayview and surrounding areas.