
The Eviction Defense Collaborative’s (EDC’s) RADCo program provides interest-free loans and grants to tenants residing in the City and County of San Francisco who have fallen behind in their rent due to a temporary financial setback.

Ways to Contact

Call 415.470.5211 or email

For assistance with rental assistance, call, email, or go to EDC's Rental Assistance Disbursement Component (RADCo) drop-in hours for an initial assessment (follow up appointments may be scheduled in the afternoons) at 1338 Mission Street; 4th Floor (between 9th and 10th Streets), San Francisco, CA 94103. RADCo drop-in hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:00-11:30am and 1:00-2:30pm.


See more information HERE.


Collect and bring all key information if possible: all related paperwork (which may include summons, unlawful detainer, or sheriffs notice), names of key people, court dates and deadlines, and any questions you have.